April 24th was Urban Boatbuilders’ last day of our partnership program with Birch Grove Elementary School for the Arts! Birch Grove fifth graders, with the assistance of Breck School high school student volunteers, added the finishing touches to the longboards they've been working on since January before taking them outside on their first rides! CCX Media was there to cover the fun morning and published a great story about it. Check it out below!
Video and words by CCX Media.
An Osseo Elementary School class is giving some students a hands-on look at the trades. Urban Boatbuilders, in a partnership with Birch Grove Elementary, is finalizing its 30-hour project teaching fifth graders how to build their own longboards.
Urban Boatbuilders, despite its name, teaches kids other crafts besides boat building. For some schools, like Birch Grove, longboards are the perfect lesson. Program coordinator Brianna Oseland said this partnership gives kids a chance to try the woodworking trade early on.
Birch Grove is a school for the arts, so these kids are well-practiced in thinking creatively.
“Get that experience of working together in a team, in a hands-on project that is artistic and located within the trades,” Oseland said…